2020年4月30日 星期四

Less is More!

It was Robert Browning who introduced the expression 'less is more' in a poem in which the painter Andrea del Sarto addressed his beautiful but unfaithful young wife. (http://www.abstractconcreteworks.com/essays/lessismore/ls_s_mor.html )The concept 'less is more' can actually be a way of life. It is living in a way in praise of simplicity.

In one of my previous posts, I discussed people's craving for a life of affluence. Can more and more material comforts and luxuries of life lead to greater happiness? As I see it, having too much would only result in huge unnecessary wastage. On the other hand, it would be interesting to consider how we could do more with less.

If we have less time for our work, we will take better care to avoid wasting time on unnecessary discussions, planning and amendments. We will focus our attention on the core tasks disregarding other trifling matters, thus achieving higher speed and better quality. As evident from previous experiences, no matter how much time is allowed for a project, it is usually completed only at the eleventh hour. Less time is definitely a competitive advantage in this case.

If we have less money to spend, we will economize by refraining from unnecessary purchases. Imagine a wardrobe bursting with clothes that may have gone out of fashion before you have the chance to wear them. Small kids with a lot of lucky money may also acquire wasteful attitudes and habits. How much more treasurable their toys would be to them if they are usually kept waiting for a long time for a new addition?

When traveling, it is advisable to avoid carrying more than what is needed for the trip. In fact, the less luggage, the better, even without the consideration of baggage allowance for a flight. We have seen travelers weighed down with excessive luggage. How much more enjoyable the tour would be to them if there were no worry about theft or damage?

In brief, a life of simplicity is a way of living that is outwardly simple but inwardly rich. The path to simple living is one that we should pursue. If we can take more responsibility for what we consume and how we live our lives, the world would be a better place to live in. So, let us try to transform our life by doing more with less.

