2015年12月8日 星期二

Leave better kids to our planet

I refer to Yonden Lhatoo’s article “Keep screaming kids off regular flights to give us all some peace” on November 4. I understand how annoyed he must have felt at being startled out of sleep by loud screams from children nearby on an overnight flight when he was supposed to have been enjoying a few hours’ rest. I have had a similar experience at a friend’s wedding. The new couple was toasting with champagne and delivering a vote of thanks to the relatives and guests when a few kids were playing with a device for blowing soap bubbles. The bride’s heart-moving words were drowned out by the ‘braying bambinos’. The soap bubbles also kept floating among the buffet dishes. Imagine the effect on the guests’ appetite! There seemed no efforts, however, to stop them except for the occasional “ssshhh”. 

Lhatoo’s suggestion about putting unruly kids on a separate flight may seem impracticable but I do agree that it is the parents’ responsibility to see to their proper behavior in public. Parents are very much concerned about having their children dressed presentably. But do they realize that they impress others not so much by their appearance as by their behavior? 

Children ought to be educated on the importance of showing respect for others. They ought to learn to be thoughtful and to avoid selfishly seeking fun at the cost of others’ peace of mind. 

In addition, the traditional proverb “spare the rod, spoil the child” still holds good. Appropriate punishment is necessary as children need to be aware of the consequences of improper behavior. A culture of impunity, on the other hand, will lead to the breeding of a generation with no regard or respect for the law. 

Lhatoo quoted a Canadian writer as saying, “We talk so much about leaving a better planet to our kids that we forget to leave better kids to our planet.” This is more than a reminder that child education is of utmost significance to ensure the betterment of future society.

