2013年9月24日 星期二

Testing Testing

13 則留言:

  1. Congratulations! Now you have a proper blogspot site.
    I would advise you to go to my earlier blogand make whatever adjustment to the layout.
    There are lots of things to play around with to embellish the look of your blog. And there are plenty of helpful tools to use. Go about slowly. It need patience. Take your time.
    Good luck!

  2. First thing you should do is to disable the requirement of inputting 驗證碼in the blogger reply section. It's a nuisance to respondents. Read the section on this in my blog

  3. Is this my new blog already? But I still find it a mess!

  4. Very good already. This is the simpliest layout. You can go on to embellish it.
    What are your doubts when you said it's messy?

    1. I think 2005 was the year when i opened my Gmail account. Do you think so?

  5. Finally, now I can follow you. By the way, following is not the same as friending...

  6. Bit by bit, you'll be ready for "business".

  7. Hi, Crystal. Iˊm not quite sure whether it's a proper blog I've set up. Still making attempts without much success.

  8. It looks like a proper blog to me.
    It's just that you may want to go to "Design" located on the right top hand side, then go to "Layout", "Template", "Settings" etc to work on it a bit more. Good luck.

  9. The problem is that I can't even find the word Design and I don't know where and how I can post a new article.
